Production Logs: 4-22-2019 Project Aerospace and Photations

Project Aerospace and Photations
The day started off early, my goal was to get to this new park to fly before everyone else arrived to exercise. This park is Creasey Bicentennial Park and is a large park with multiple soccer fields, a prairie and a large exercise hill. I knew that it would take multiple trips to film at this location with the drone so this was to be the first of many. I also wanted this to be a simple flight.
The first location at this park that I went to film at was the soccer fields. This would be good for long forward kinetic motions shots without having to worry about obstacles. This did prove to be the case however there were several problems while flying.
The first several flights went relatively well but I kept have issues with the batteries. In the previous week I had timed all the batteries to figure out how long each one would last while flying. I did this for safety and it helps having one less thing to worry about never knowing until the last 2 minutes when the battery is about to die.
I should also note that I received a new battery charger. This one is fancier then the one that came with the quad copter. I noticed that each battery had wildly different flight time which should not be the case. In addition to this, batteries that were low power and dead when plugged into the stock charger would not charge. In fact, the stock charger would think that the battery was fully charged.
After doing some research I found out that the stock charger does not do a balance charge. RC and Drone batteries have cells. They come in 1s 2s 3s 4s and 5s. Each cell has a limit of around 4 volts and vary how much mil amps hours they can provide. Each cell is supposed to be charged to the proper identical voltage an mah (Mil amp hours). Because the stock charge does not do a balance charge, it would charge one cell way past its 4 volts and leave the other cell with no charge. This means that the battery would not have enough power to fly the drone but would still register as fully charged. This is also very bad for the battery health.
The new charger is very nice. Not only can I charge each cell to the correct mah and voltage, I can also drain the batteries after a flight especially if I did not use one battery and it remains fully charged. Lithium batteries should not stay fully charged while you store them because this hurts the battery health as well, instead when in storage they should only be charged to around 30%. This will help them last longer and work better. A battery should be discharged to storage if you’re not going to fly 2-3 days after you fully charge it. Ideally you should only charge the batteries the night before a flight.
With this new battery charger and new tested flight battery flight times I felt confident that this would be a good flying session. There was nobody in the soccer fields and I essentially had the park to myself. My four 1800mah batteries had a test flight time of 5 mins so I would only fly for 4 mins in case of emergency and to account for power loss from more varied flying conditions then when I tested.
This worked out well however I did begin to lose power a little sooner than my 4 min timer which was fine because I would notice it and land the drone safely next to myself. It turned out that with a varied throttle I would have a solid 3 min of flight time before the drone would begin to lose power.
After the four 1800mah batteries were depleted I moved on to the 2200mah batteries. These tested had a flight time of 10 mins however learning from the 1800mah hour batteries I would only fly for 7 mins. With this larger batteries and longer flight time I was free to fly using my FPV equipment. This is first pilot view and allows me to see from the drone’s perspective from the drone’s camera in real time.
This however is where I ran into a problem. I flew very well for about 5 mins getting good footage of the forest on the side of the soccer field and the soccer field itself. However due to the scale of the soccer field with it being large and flat with no real objects of scale I didn’t realize how far away I had flown from my position. This is where I ran into trouble. I did not lose my FPV (camera connection) signal, I began to lose my transmitter signal. I started to fly back but the signal cut in and out and I lost too much altitude and I crash landed between the soccer field and the forest.
It was difficult to find the drone in the bushes but I found it. The camera mount had fallen off and there was some mud in one of the brushless motors, but other than that the drone was fine. This concluded the first flight at this park and I moved on to continue my work on the sleeping spring project.
Photations Sleeping Spring
After finishing and crashing the drone I made my way to the Genesee nature trails. I like to film for two divisions of LCD-production when I film for project aerospace. Project aerospace only take about an hour and a half to film because I’m limited by battery flight time. I feel because I’m already out of the house I might as well film something longer as well.
I filmed the first section of trail which was about a mile round trip. The actual first trail is about half a mile but I walk it twice. One time around taking 35mm and 3D photographs and 4K UHD video then on the second time I take VR 3D photographs.
This second part would be the same however I would be walking a much larger section of the trail. There were a lot more people this time as we’re getting deeper into spring and having nicer warmer weather. This was not a problem everyone was very friendly and I greeted everyone as they passed by me. Some even gave good advice about where the wildlife like to rest which was helpful.
The trees were still bare but the grass, flowers and bushes had begun to bloom and it took about an hour and a half to walk this second trail and it was exhausting. Not from the walking, just from having to stop every 10 or 15 feet to take the 4K UHD footage (or so I thought). Each time I set up the video camera I take longer 30-40 second video clips. While I’m doing this I take the time to take the 35mm and 3D photographs. Even multi-tasking like this I still have to wait on the video camera which is setup on a tripod.
I found two large ponds, several geese and ducks as well as a gardener snake which was very interesting to watch. Once I made it to the end of the second section of trail. I decided to walk back. I was tired and I still had to take the VR 3D photographs which is easier because I don’t have to multi task with the Video and DSLR camera, but it meant I had to do everything in reverse going back the way I had come.
Walking back was much faster and in total I probable walked about 3 miles. However, once I returned home and began to back up the footage I realized I had made a terrible mistake. When I film for project aerospace on the quad copter I film in HD at 120 fps. This allows me to slow the footage down to 4x slower then real time creating smoother longer shoots. However, when I went to film for Potations Sleeping Spring I did not set the camera back to 4K UHD. This would be okay if the whole 2D (35mm and Video footage) project were not a 4K project but it was. Not only that but the 99% of the video footage was of still life with already slow gentle movement. There was no need for video at 120fps.
A little disheartened I decided I would go back and re film that section of trail in 4K. The part that made it a little worse is that I would have to redo the part of filming I didn’t like which was walking from subject to subject which for whatever reason was about every 20 feet. Then waiting 30 – 40 seconds and moving on.
The good news was that I was able to fix the drone when I returned home so I would be able to fly again at the Creasey Bicentennial Park then go back to the Genesee nature trails like I had before doing another multi division shoot for LCD-Productions.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
The weather report was that there would be clouds but no rain, this was a lie.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
The first location at this park that I went to film at was the soccer fields. This would be good for long forward kinetic motions shots without having to worry about obstacles. This did prove to be the case however there were several problems while flying.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
The second I took off I knew something was off and this would not be an easy flight day. The drone was bucking a little and having a hard time hovering, rocking back and forth. My solution was just too slowly move the drone forward just to get some momentum and reduce the rocking.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
Once you enter the drive way to this park it’s a winding dirt road for about a mile. It’s nice to drive Slowly through this section, one because it’s very scenic and two because there may be deer. In Either case the speed limit is 25 MPH so you’re really supposed to go slow anyway.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
Starting filming for the second season of Sleeping Spring. Sleeping spring features nature scenes before everything begins to bloom a grow. The goal is to capture nature in this transitional period before full spring and summer arrives.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
Went to Flushing County Park, this is a park I’ve never been to. I was a little worried this would be a place not large enough for my drone but when I got there I was relieved to see there were many places I could take off from. Today I was shooting for Live to Tape’s Flow and Project Aerospace’s Lighter than Some series.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
Alby is as fixed wing UAV (RC airplane). Today’s flight was a special one because in this flight we would be testing the first camera array setup. This set up consisted of three cameras all recording at 60 fps.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
Today was a very exciting day. This would be the first day I would fly my fixed wing UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle). This is an R/C airplane which I call Alby. Named after the waved albatross which in a lot of ways resembles and flies similar to this UAV.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
Today was a windy day. Not a little wind but a lot. The wind report was that it would be 25mph until 4pm. The problem was that the sun sets at 5pm. This would not leave a lot of time for filming for Project Aerospace.
Production logs for LCD-Productions
The winds were forecasted to be below 10mph from 7am -10 am. So I just had to get to the park and start filming for Project Aerospace before 11am even so the winds would only go up to 12 mph in general the whole day would be calm winds.
Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading
The start of Halo 3 on Legendary marks the return of Thumbs United and our live-streaming schedule on Twitch
The Girl Aviators
And the Phantom Airship
Visual Audio Book from Live to Tape
Winter at the Falls
Nature Photography
Flint Michigan’s Stepping Stone Falls
Pam the Pioneer
A visual audio book indie series from Photations
Project Newfoundland is created by Photations:
Project Newfoundland is an Indie documentary produced by Photations and LCD-Productions. Project Newfoundland focuses on the stories and history of Nova Scotia and up to Newfoundland Canada. This series is the visual audio book of Pam the Pioneer a story centered in Canada with a mysterious disappearance .
Pam the Pioneer Playlist:
Project Newfoundland is created by Photations:
Project Newfoundland is an Indie documentary produced by Photations and LCD-Productions. Project Newfoundland focuses on the stories and history of Nova Scotia and up to Newfoundland Canada. This series is the visual audio book of Pam the Pioneer a story centered in Canada with a mysterious disappearance .
Pam the Pioneer Playlist:
Project Newfoundland is created by Photations:
Project Newfoundland is an Indie documentary produced by Photations and LCD-Productions. Project Newfoundland focuses on the stories and history of Nova Scotia and up to Newfoundland Canada. This series is the visual audio book of Pam the Pioneer a story centered in Canada with a mysterious disappearance .
Pam the Pioneer Playlist:
Flow ASMR: Vicki Barr and the Clue of the Golden Coin from Live to Tape
YouTube Playlist
Flow ASMR will take you on a gentle tour flowing through scenes of architecture, cities and nature. While on this journey we’ll be listening to the story of Vicki Barr and the clue of the Golden Coin. This is recorded live to tape in an relaxing binaural ASMR format
Project Newfoundland is created by Photations:
Project Newfoundland is an Indie documentary produced by Photations and LCD-Productions. Project Newfoundland focuses on the stories and history of Nova Scotia and up to Newfoundland Canada. This series is the visual audio book of Pam the Pioneer a story centered in Canada with a mysterious disappearance .
Pam the Pioneer Playlist:
Flow ASMR: Vicki Barr and the Clue of the Golden Coin from Live to Tape
YouTube Playlist
Flow ASMR will take you on a gentle tour flowing through scenes of architecture, cities and nature. While on this journey we’ll be listening to the story of Vicki Barr and the clue of the Golden Coin. This is recorded live to tape in an relaxing binaural ASMR format
Project Newfoundland is created by Photations:
Project Newfoundland is an Indie documentary produced by Photations and LCD-Productions. Project Newfoundland focuses on the stories and history of Nova Scotia and up to Newfoundland Canada. This series is the visual audio book of Pam the Pioneer a story centered in Canada with a mysterious disappearance .
Pam the Pioneer Playlist:
Flow ASMR: Vicki Barr and the Clue of the Golden Coin from Live to Tape
YouTube Playlist
Flow ASMR will take you on a gentle tour flowing through scenes of architecture, cities and nature. While on this journey we’ll be listening to the story of Vicki Barr and the clue of the Golden Coin. This is recorded live to tape in an relaxing binaural ASMR format
Project Newfoundland is created by Photations:
Project Newfoundland is an Indie documentary produced by Photations and LCD-Productions. Project Newfoundland focuses on the stories and history of Nova Scotia and up to Newfoundland Canada. This series is the visual audio book of Pam the Pioneer a story centered in Canada with a mysterious disappearance .
Pam the Pioneer Playlist:
Flow ASMR: Vicki Barr and the Clue of the Golden Coin from Live to Tape
YouTube Playlist
Flow ASMR will take you on a gentle tour flowing through scenes of architecture, cities and nature. While on this journey we’ll be listening to the story of Vicki Barr and the clue of the Golden Coin. This is recorded live to tape in an relaxing binaural ASMR format
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The Relaxing ASMR series from Live to Tape. Story Time will take you on a journey through scenic landscapes while listening to Stories from around the world
The Relaxing ASMR series from Live to Tape. Flow ASMR will take you on a journey through nature as well as architecture while experiencing this visual audio book in a ASMR style.
The Relaxing ASMR series from Live to Tape. Flow ASMR will take you on a journey through nature as well as architecture while experiencing this visual audio book in a ASMR style.
The Relaxing ASMR series from Live to Tape. Flow ASMR will take you on a journey through nature as well as architecture while experiencing this visual audio book in a ASMR style.
The Relaxing ASMR series from Live to Tape. Flow ASMR will take you on a journey through nature as well as architecture while experiencing this visual audio book in a ASMR style.
Create Project is the behind the scenes Live Streams of all the work by LCD-Production, which includes Photations
America Series One is a journey through the United States landscape. This series contains drive-lapse photography and traditional digital and film photography
Behind the Scenes work on the Milwaukee Medium Format Film Restore
[Live] Afternoon creative stream animating 4K photography for Project Park
Archives for Project Park can be found here:
The Create Project features the archived live streams from Thumbs United on Twitch
Creative art streams include video production, photography editing as well as animation.
The Create Projects go on to supply the content from LCD-Productions which include, Live to Tape, Photations, Project Aerospace, and Thumbs United
[Live] short late night stream animating VR photography for Project Park
Archives for Project Park can be found here:
The Create Project features the archived live streams from Thumbs United on Twitch
Creative art streams include video production, photography editing as well as animation.
The Create Projects go on to supply the content from LCD-Productions which include, Live to Tape, Photations, Project Aerospace, and Thumbs United
Photations MK IV (Season 4) is a Indie Film Series from Photations. Featuring documentaries and Nature films with Photography from around the world
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
The forth Season of Photations. Photations MK IV tackles many forms of photography. Photography for Google Cardboard. Stereoscopic Photography for 3D TVs and Monitors. As well as Films released in Ultra High Definition starting at 4K and Beyond. Photations MK IV will take you on an incredible peacefull journey through out the world.
America Series One. A Journey through the American landscape with incredible photography
A Journey through the American landscape. Come view the best of nature, wilderness and country side. All photos are also available as prints, large and small, framed or unframed. Printed to order.
A Journey through the American landscape. Come view the best of nature, wilderness and country side. All photos are also available as prints, large and small, framed or unframed. Printed to order.
A Journey through the American landscape. Come view the best of nature, wilderness and country side. All photos are also available as prints, large and small, framed or unframed. Printed to order.
A Journey through the American landscape. Come view the best of nature, wilderness and country side. All photos are also available as prints, large and small, framed or unframed. Printed to order.
A Journey through the American landscape. Come view the best of nature, wilderness and country side. All photos are also available as prints, large and small, framed or unframed. Printed to order.
Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading