Autumn Hike
Welcome, I’m glad you’re here. In this project we’ll be going on a journey through the autumn season in Michigan. We will travel through 6 parks using several unique forms of photography. We’ll be using medium format color film photography and 35mm digital and aerial photography. Our aerial photography in this series is very special because we were able to use both of our aerial platforms, the Alby the Albatross plane and the Lighter Than Some drone. We also have the Flow steady cam used by Live to Tape, creating long smooth kinetic motions throughout the parks. This project has been in the process of filming for a little over a year. Now it’s time to get to work editing and animating this series.
Autumn Hike behind the scenes post production streamed live on Twitch with Thumbs United
Tuesdays 10am-12pm Eastern Time
Thursdays 10am-12pm Eastern Time

Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading