Lighter than Some Aerial Photography Ep 23
Project Aerospace Lighter then Some Aerial Photography

Aerial Photography from Project Aerospace
Short Films from Project Aerospace
Lighter then Some is the new series from Project Aerospace. Come on a journey from the pilots view of beautiful nature landscapes from above. Aerial photography prints available on our store and Films and photographs can be found on our blog
If you’re interested in the Behind the scenes work of Photations and LCD-Productions you can tune in on twitch at the link below
Thumbs United Live streams all the post production work live. Creative streams are Wednesday and Friday starting between 9-11pm EST. Tuesdays and Thursdays are dedicated to Gaming livestreams also starting between 9-11pm EST. During production crunch creative livestreams are extended to Saturday Sunday and Monday all starting sometime between 9-11PM EST
Project Aerospace creates aerial photographs of natural landscapes
Visit our Blog for Daily updates:
Our store for fine art prints and more:
Aerial Photography from Project Aerospace
Project Aerospace is produced by LCD-Productions. A full list of other sites from LCD-Productions can be found here:
Subscribers on Patreon at the $2 level or above get early access to content produced by LCD-Productions which includes Project Aerospace, Photations, Live to Tape ASMR, and Thumbs United
Full list of upcoming projects can be found on our calendar.
Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading