Master Review: Silver Linings Playbook
Master Review: Silver Linings Playbook
I had some free time, which is half true. I had some work I needed to finish that did not require all of my attention. So I hit the Netflix in search of a good drama. I don’t know what to tell you but I’ve been in a big drama mood. I’m a little tired of these action movies because their all starting to seem the same. Also the required amount of back story these comic book movies expects you to know has you questioning every detail as to whether or not it’s important to the story or not. In short I was looking for a good film that could just stand on its own and a one and done sort of film, no trilogy.
As I searched through Netflix I came across Silver Linings Playbook, and I just kept on scrolling. But I remembered that one of my college film classmates loved this film and gave it nothing but praise. So I went back and decided to watch it.

They story takes place in the Midwest and the story starts off with a character in a mental institution in Baltimore. Our character is Pat Solatano played by Bradley Cooper. Pat is at an all-time low. Resisting to take his medicine, his wife left him and he lost his job. Our story begins with Pat getting rescued from the facility by his mother after spending the mandatory 8 months in the facility.

Pat has bipolar disorder, a mood disorder that cycles between periods of high energy and some delusions also known as mania and then lower mood swings with low energy and depression. Despite all this Pat is looking on the bright side of life. He wants to pull his life back together and get back with his wife, who just so happens to have filed a restraining order against him.
Pat is a good person but he has no filter. He constantly says the first thing that comes into is mind and it’s not always appropriate in fact it’s usually not. But it adds to his awkward charm and you can’t help but to root for him is his mission to better himself so his wife will take him back. The issue of his wife is also a cringe part of the story. Half the time you think that his goals are somewhat unrealistic almost to the point of being delusional that she would ever consider taking him back.

And that’s when we meet our co-star Jennifer Lawrence who plays the role of Tiffany. Tiffany is woman who lost her husband who was a police officer and she goes through a long period of depression. In fact, when Pat meets Tiffany for the first time they have a cute exchange of the list of medications they have taken to cope with their mood disorders. They have instant chemistry. And from the beginning you can’t help but to hope that Pat will get together with Tiffany and forget about his wife who clearly wants nothing to do with him. From the beginning Tiffany seems like a way out for pat a real chance at happiness. Tiffany has her own issues and her coping mechanisms are just as good as Pats which is not good.

And this is how the story begins. It’s a journey between Pat and Tiffany working together. Pat wants Tiffany to deliver a letter to his wife and Tiffany wants Pat to become her dance partner in a judged competition.

So what did I think of this film? I thought it was fantastic. I thought the Cinematography was incredible, the lighting was so good it never looked over done. The story was great and it took me on a journey that I was very happy to go on.
I know it’s a little late. But I was late to the party so if you haven’t seen Silver Linings Playbook I recommend that you do.

Master Review Sully

Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading