Master Thoughts: X-Men Apocalypse
X-Men: Apocalypse
The Nerds have won. Being a self-proclaimed Nerd and Geek that phrase brings me nothing but pleasure. That and the phrase “We’re taking it over” referring to the rise of geek culture not only reaching the level of pop culture, but also becoming the dominate culture. Today has never been a better time for science fiction. It has never been a better time for the comic book movie. Some said it wouldn’t last but it’s already lasted longer than some had predicted. We now live in an age where we can expect multiple marvel movies a year. We live in an age where we can expect a Star Wars film every year. It truly is the best of times in the world of cinema and Nerd life.
I would have loved to be a child now to see all these films as my younger self. I would have eaten them all up with joy. Now It’s fashionable to get into arguments over DC and Marvel, and I smile when I hear these take place in the most unusual places. But that’s not the real point of this post. The real point of this post is a review of X-Men Apocalypse.
Going into this movie I heard a-lot of negative things. I heard through the grape vine that this was a franchise ending film. With the connotation that it was so bad it would literally end the franchise. So I went into this film with a heavy heart. Hoping against all hope that this would be a film worthy of the X-Men Franchise.
There is another side of me that also held out hope for a different reason. I’m not going to lie I like DC Comics a lot. And for one reason. Batman and the Batman universe (Gotham city Sirens). The Christopher Nolan will forever hold a special place in my heart and in my Blu-ray collection. The jury is still out on this Batman Vs Superman. So now that I have admitted my Favoritism you have to know this. Marvel Under Paramount i.e. the entire X-men series is a very very close second. And X-Men Apocalypse does nothing to taint the image of Marvel/Paramount.
Following the reboot from X-Men: Days of Future Past, this film starts of the introduction of the main villain who we’d be dealing with for the rest of the film. Throughout the film we are re-introduced to the younger versions of X-Men Characters that we knew and loved from the Original X-men Films. In no way do these younger characters seem awkward. In fact, seeing their younger self a now knowing the alternate future that was the Original X-Men has you rooting and waiting in anticipation for these characters to “Discover their full potential”.
So how do I feel amount this film now that I have had some time to reflect on it? I think it was a top notch film. This film has a wide range on emotion that it will evoke on its viewers. There are definite scenes that will have your eyes water up. I found myself thinking in the voice of Sean Bean from the Fellowship of the Ring, “Can’t you just let him rest? Can this character get any normalcy in life, which he clearly desires?” When you watch this movie you’ll feel deeply for this character, from beginning to end.
So to answer the unasked question would I see it again? The answer is Yes. I’d see it again in theaters in fact. The First time I saw it I watched it in 3D and it was great, I’d be happy to see it again in 3D. The 3D in this film never felt annoying and always felt as though it added a little extra. In fact, the 3D fluctuated from being an interesting window into the X-Men world to a really epic experience.
I think you guessed my advice? My advice to to go out a see this movie in theaters while you can. It’s defiantly one I’ll be seeing again. And I can’t wait to get it on 3D Blu-ray to add to my collection.

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