Master Review Sully
Master Review
I must start this review with the disclaimer that I am a huge airplane nerd. I’m one of those people that has a Flight Simulator set up in my basement. Sometimes I fly for hours doing either touch and goes or just exploring the scenery in my Flight Sim. My love for flying does not stop there I have a long history with hobbyist RC aircraft. So as you can see I love the skies.
From the first trailer of Sully I saw, I knew that this movie would be on my list to see. Who could resist Tom Hanks in the heroic role as the pilot who completed a successful water landing in the Hudson river. I remember the events that took place when I was younger and hearing the stories and seeing the news of this historic flight. So I went in to this movie with an eager mind.
This movie delivers. From the beginning it starts off running. You’re immediately surrounded in the tense situation of a plane crash. This movie will do this to you several times. As you watch this movie, it places you in Sully’s mind. As he constantly relives the water landing. You also get to experience what he thinks would have happened if he made the wrong choice. If the water landing did not work.
This movie spends it’s time between the time during the water landing investigation with small vignettes into the past life of Sully. There are several flash backs that show Sully’s long history in flying. Then there are flash backs to the preparation for the flight and you get to know some of the characters getting onboard the flight.
While there are a lot of characters in this film, Tom Hank’s role is one of the biggest. He’s on screen for almost 90% of this movie and that’s a good thing. In his role as sully he creates a bond with the audience. Instantly likeable, modest and full integrity are some of the traits that came to mind instantly when watching this film. These traits make you instantly trust Sully and has you rooting for him throughout this Film.
The flight scenes in this film hold up as well too. They’ll have you at the edge of your seats every time they start up. The animations sequences are just that good.
This Movie for me lived up to the hype that I set for myself. It’s a film I can’t wait to own. I think this film has a place on my shelf right next to interstellar, It’s just that good.

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