Master Review: Lady Bird
Master Review: Lady Bird
Lady Bird documents the world of adolescents. Throughout this film we experience the world through our teenage companion who calls herself Lady Bird. This is a journey about self-discovery and the complicated relationship with Lady Bird and her mother.
The relationship with Lady Bird and her mother is tense. It feels as though they can’t be in the same room for more than 15 seconds before breaking into a fight. This adds to the rebellious phase most teenagers go through. However, the mother who picks on Lady Bird a lot throughout the film sort of does it for good reasons. I don’t really agree with her methods however. Lady Birds Mother just wants her to be the best person that she could be and sees her daughter as though she could great or end up in jail. The mother is very much invested in Lady Bird’s future and it comes at a great financial coast.
The finical situation throughout the film adds an undertone of stress. The family is barely making enough to get by and all the family members feel the tension. There is also some conflict added when Lady Bird has her mind set on attending an out of state college in New York, which her mother forbids due to cost.
This is just the background however. Where this film really excels is in the character interaction between Lady Bird and her friends. This Movie could be divided up into several shorts with each character she either befriends or starts a relationship each moment is very self-contained. However, the experience together compounds and you can see throughout the film how all these experiences start to make Lady Bird’s character more defined and a stronger better person.
I very much enjoyed this film. In fact, I was very aware that I enjoyed watching this film throughout the viewing experience. The pacing was great and I never felt board or that scenes were dragging on two long. At the end of the film I felt that it was assembled with great precision and care. I usually don’t enjoy to many films that focus on teenage life, but this was a journey I was glad I experienced.

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