Master Review: Get Out
Master Review: Get Out
I was perfectly happy not to watch this film. I’ve been experienced this film being heavily advertised throughout ads on social media and other sources and it got to the point of annoyance.
Despite all that I had a friend whose opinion on films I’m learning to trust and they highly recommended it. So I found myself in a theater getting ready to watch get out. This film started off rather peaceful with a little a suspense of bringing the boyfriend home to meet the parents. Additional tension exists because the boyfriend Chris is black and he finds out that his girlfriend who is Rose hasn’t told her family who are white that she’s dating a black man.
From the beginning of the trip things begin to seem off. This is where the advertisement kind of ruined the movie showing events that will occur later. As an audience member I was very aware that things were about to hit the fan it was just a question of when.
For the first ¾ of the film every one that Chris meets not only seems off but also overcompensating and being overly friendly. The film leads you on to believe that this is because these people haven’t interacted with many black people in their lives, however the real reason is far more sinister.
This film was very enjoyable and somewhat cathartic. The ending really pays off. The other area where this film excels is how awkward people get when meeting with people of a different race other than their own. The generalization, and assumption that a group of people all think the same way instead of being an individual is some of the eye opening experience this movie shows in the beginning and throughout the family meeting.
Not only do I hope this movie does well. I hope it brings awareness to more people on the type of stereotyping that occurs everywhere on this planet. This is a film I recommend you watch. I recommend avoiding all trailers and advertisement. While it is presented as a horror film, it’s not that scary just more unsettling and tense. Nothing to be worried about if horror films are not your thing.

Master Review: Lady Bird

Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading