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LCD-Production Videos

300 Days of Film Photography [Journey into Italy] Day 68

300 Days of Film Photography [Journey into Italy] Day 68

Extened Italy_0013.jpg

Venice Canal

Venice Canal Photograph 3

Venice at Night

Venice at Night Photograph 2

Art in Venice

Art in Venice Photograph 4

Night Walk in Florence

Night Walk in Florence Photograph 3

Journey into Fiesole Italy

Journey into Fiesole Italy Photograp[h 1

Duomo Florence Cathedral

Duomo Florence Cathedral Photograph 2

Art in Florence

Art in Florance Photograph 12

Walk Around Rome

Walk Around Rome Photograph 3

Pantheon in Rome

Pantheon in Rome Photograph 2

Colosseum in Rome

Colosseum in Rome Photograph 4

Cathedral In Rome

Cathedral In Rome Photograph  1

Night Photography in Rome

Night Photography in Rome Photograph 5

Architecture in Rome

Archtecture in Rome Photograph 3

Architecture in the Roman Forum

Architecture in the Roman Forum Photograph 11
300 Days of Film Photography [Journey into Italy] Day 69

300 Days of Film Photography [Journey into Italy] Day 69

300 Days of Film Photography [Journey into Italy] Day 67

300 Days of Film Photography [Journey into Italy] Day 67