Master Review: Black Panther
Master Review: Black Panther
I’ve seen my share of Marvel movies and at this point they’re ok. They’re not bad, but they do get a little gimmicky after a while. In general, a marvel film is light, fun to watch and experience but doesn’t hold up the 3rd or 4th time watching it.
Black Panther does not suffer from this trend of Marvel films in the slightest. This movie has weight. It has an in-depth plot that has you at the edge of your seat for the majority of the film. I also have to note that the pacing of this film is incredible. Every moment is entertaining and I spent my time watching it either in wonder and awe or in suspense and curiosity.
This film tackles hard questions and ideas. Ideas that most films won’t go in 100 feet of. That’s what adds the weight of this film. Every moment feels important. Throughout the film I felt just as conflicted about what I personal wanted to see the character do. The film uses each character to shed a different perspective on the goals of the protagonist who is T'Challa the newly made king. T'Challa is faced with the decision of helping others around the world or remaining in isolation not just for himself but for his whole country of Wakanda. Every moment you feel with T'Challa as he wrestles with the idea saving the impoverished communities.
This movie also has a good story line. Never seeming dull and repeated. As the film introduces you to the wonders of Wakanda it also explains the rules of the land as you go on this journey. This also adds to the suspense’s of several of their fight scenes which get more intense as the film goes on.
After I finished watching this film, one of the most telling things was the conversation I had with the people with me. I said that this was a really good film, definitely one of the best Marvel films. Then the person sitting next to me said “oh yeah I forgot it was a Marvel film” meaning that this film was in a league of its own. Its definitely stands out for being great. The characters were dimensional and I felt that this film was one that I could enjoy and not force myself to suspend disbelief. The whole film felt credible and relatively realistic.
I would recommend watching this film. I saw it in 3D, and the film was very clear. It didn’t have some of the artifacting that some films have when the depth is added in after the fact. If you enjoy 3D then I recommend viewing it in 3D its very pleasant and non-intrusive, but if you don’t you won’t miss much.

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Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading