Master Review: Kingsman the Golden Circle
Master Review: Kingsman the Golden Circle
When I saw the original Kingsman film I thought that it was fantastic. Now that some time has passed I admit that I was mildly interested in seeing the sequel. It’s not the films fault there’s just been a long streak of movies that came out that I had no interest in seeing. However, I found myself at the theater with my family to see this film.
I had no expectations for this film. To be honest I thought it was just going to be ok. This film hit the ground running. It for the first five minutes I thought ‘wow this is not realistic at all’. The next moment I didn’t care. I had acclimatized to the Kingsman universe. Although I didn’t realize it I had missed the Kingsman universe a lot.
Everything about this film is over the top. It’s extremely bombastic, most of the time taking the actions scenes to a solid 11 out of 10 energy level. This made the movie great. The entire time I felt like this film was like eating a chocolate bar or other candy. I found myself holding back chuckles then out right laughing at other parts. This film was there to have a good time and make no mistake it was a very good time. I highly recommend this film, the ride was nonstop fun the entire way though.

Master Review: Spider-Man Homecoming

Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading