Master Review: The Queen of Katwe
Master Review
The Queen of Katwe
I must admit that this film was not on my list of films to see. But I’m very glad that I saw it.
This film takes place in the slums of Katwe in Uganda. With a girl named Phiona. Phiona and her siblings have a hard life living in the slums. Unable to go to school Phiona and her sibling sell vegetables to passersby in order to make money for rent. Things don’t look good for Phiona and while you’re watching her go about her daily life the film reminds you of all you have to be thankful for. To be thankful for running water, showers, electricity even your own room. These are all the things that Phiona doesn’t have.
The adventure begins with Phiona following her brother to see where he goes during the day. This is where she discovers he goes to a small gathering were a missionary named Robert teaches the children how to play chess. Phiona is invited in but her first day at the club is a hard one with the children making fun of her. Never the less she learns that she likes this game of chess. It’s highlighted that she likes the idea the even the pawn can become a queen.
Phiona returns the next day and continues to learn how to play. She plays at night with her brother and it isn’t long before she becomes best in the club. Robert their coach constantly teaching them new moves and motivates them to get into competitions against the city kids who are more privileged then them. Robert tells them that in a game of chess they could beat the kids who go to school and don’t live in the slums.
The First Competition everyone is nervous. They feel like they stand out at the school they are competing at and they do a little. But Robert calms them down and their first torment is a great success for Phiona.
Phiona gets a taste of wining and she can’t be stopped. She is constantly trying to win more and more chess games against all odds.
Phiona is clearly gifted and someone with a great mind. But she put in a lot of hard work and it pays off throughout the movie. Throughout the movie You’ll feel yourself cheering on Phiona as she tries to make it to become the chess grand master.
This was a very enjoyable film. I found myself enjoying every moment of it. And while it is long it doesn’t feel like it. It’s also refreshing to see a film with a diverse set of characters. I really hope this film does well so that we can get more films with diversity from Disney. Because they made this film right and you can’t help but to feel like a better person just from experiencing this film.

Master Review: Lion

Video edition of the Photations Live to Tape podcast featuring the Junior Classics Vol.1 Fairy and Wonder Tales reading